About me

I’m passionate about innovation

Please call me Zayn. I am a firm believer that innovation is the way to effectively solve the world’s problems. Being a future computer engineer, my area of interest includes Augmented Reality (AR) and mobile application development. I explore my interests in these fields by dabbling in mobile application development to solve problems that I encounter. During the summer of my junior year in University, I developed a prototype AR app to make furniture shopping easier for homeowners. Being mostly a front-end application only, I pitched the idea well enough to be voted the top three best project in the School of Computing in my university. Now, I successfully attained a grant from the school to further my idea into a start-up and am collaborating with a furniture company to digitize their furniture in my next iteration of development.

Personal Info

Language English
Date of birth 12 May 1996
Hometown Singapore
Degree BEng (Hons) in Computer Engineering

My Skills

Coding: C / C++ / Java
Mobile: Android
Front-end: HTML / CSS / React
Back-end: MongoDB / Google Cloud Platform / AWS S3

My Stats

10+ projects done
1 company found
100+ cups of coffee


Elon Musk said: “Engineering is the closest thing to magic that exists in the real world.” I think he is absolutely right because for me, it takes innovation and entrepreneurship for true magic to happen. I firmly believe that engineering is the furnace in which innovation is forged into products, and entrepreneurship is the incubator that brings the innovation to the world. Bringing an idea to the world, that is what magic is to me.

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Internship Objectives

With background in software engineering (Object-Oriented Programming), I aim to help your company develop and release a core feature in whatever aspect you may require. I am confident of my learning abilities and adaptability to different roles. I am passionate about innovation, and love to brainstorm and develop new solutions and to challenges that I face. As an avid learner with a passion for technology, I constantly strive to improve my arsenal of skills. With my technical background, I will do my best to apply my knowledge to my field of work. and as an effective team player and communicator, I aim to work closely with you and your team. I am incredibly excited to start working with you.


National University of Singapore: Computer Engineering

Aug 2017 - Present

Programming Methodology
Data Structures and Algorithms
Software Engineering & Object-Oriented Programming
Independent Software Development Project (Orbital)
Computer Organization
Transistor-level Design
Real-time Operating Systems
Discrete Structures
Digital Design

National University of Singapore: Tembusu College

Aug 2017 - May 2019

The Darwinian Revolution
Public Persona and Self-Presentations
Negotiation in Complex World
Nobodiness: The Self as a Story
Intelligence and Singapore Society

Work experience

Founder & CEO

Oct 2018 - Present
Home Sweet Home

Home Sweet Home, a start-up founded in September 2018, is an android mobile application online store that introduces Augmented Reality (AR) technology for customers buying furniture for their house, by projecting a realistic model of the furniture of their choice onto their space through the phone’s camera.
- Founded the company
- Cross-platform development of front-end mobile application
- Collaborate with furniture companies to digitize their furniture
- Overseeing operations and learning back-end development

Market Research Consultant (Sales Department)

Sep 2018 - Jan 2019
STT Connect Holdings Private. Limited.

STT Connect is the first MTCS SS 584 Level 3 certified OpenStack cloud provider in Singapore. STT Connect offers the vital building blocks of cloud platforms and services to tailor the best solution to meet business’ unique needs.
- Advised sales team on product pricing by doing a comprehensive market analysis of competitors’ products
- Learnt how to systematically analyse and assess competitiveness in a start-up
- Scripted on Google scripts to crawl for competitors' data dynamically

Web Developer

Jan 2017 - Present
Febzwell International Trading Private. Limited.

An established local curtain brand selling ready-made curtains. The company plans to expand operations into the ecommerce world away from brick and mortar.
- Designed an ecommerce website using the Shopify platform
- Managing over 100 products and inventory

About Home Sweet Home

During the summer of my freshman year in university, I took up a module that allows students to develop whatever projects they wish to. Wrecking my head, I spent days trying to look for a problem to solve. At the same time, I was very busy with moving, as my family bought a new home at that time. So, whilst juggling with brainstorming ideas for my project, I was bugged by my parents to measure and take photos of empty spaces at home so they could refer to it while they shopped for furniture.

A light bulb lit above my head. That was my brother turning on the light switch. Then, the idea hit me - let's make an app that leverages on AR technology to visualize furniture at home! I spent the summer researching and hacking together a crude app that works entirely on the front-end. It's something. Then, towards the end, my project got voted the top 3 best project among hundreds of others. We've since come a long way, acquiring a $10000 grant from the school, to further the idea as well as onboarding capable and driven members.

App Features

Augmented Reality

AR technology is used to greatly reduce time spent on visiting furniture stores and mentally visualizing bulky furniture at home.


Our mobile application is developed on React Native to allow maximum usage of written code. We write UI code as much as possible and wrap ios/android specific code in native modules.


We aim to provide our customers a myriad of choices browsing furniture and at the same time giving them the convenience to visualize them at home. We also provide a platform for furniture firms to gain more online exposure as they move away from the traditional brick and mortar business model

Mobile Application

Name project

Home Sweet Home

The initial prototype of the application developed on the Android platform

Tags: #Mobile


my team



COO, Business Development

Kit is a passionate individual that has great business sense and managerial qualities. An asset to the team, she helps in general management as well as keeping track of progress. Kit has provided me with her insights on management and business directions since the beginning.



Head of Business Development

Sylvester is a driven individual with incredible work ethics. He manages business development with Kit, putting in the hardwork to meet clients and securing collaborators.


Tay Kang Ming

Associate Head of Technical Development

Kang Ming is a driven individual that stuck with me since the inception of my idea. He is now on NOC in Canada and helping to develop the back end of the application.


Teo Jun Jie

CTO, Head of Technical Development

Jun Jie is a talented individual knowing his stuff on technical development. In fact, for his summer project, he developed an application targeted at sports players. His technical knowledge proves to be useful for my start-up.


Here are some of my past projects that I am proud to display, and also lessons learnt from underachieving in my work. My proudest achievement is getting a $10000 fund from the school to turn my summer project (NUS Orbital) into a start up.

Orbital provides a platform for students to gain hands-on industrial experience for computing technologies related to students’ own interests. Done in pairs of two, Orbital students propose, design, execute, implement and market their project to peers and faculty. Peer assessment and critique of others’ projects are key components of the modules’ deliverables.

NUS Orbital 2018

Name project

Honorable Mention (Apollo Category)

This is me at the end of a summer long project. My hardwork paid off and that's me on stage receiving the award!

Tags: #Mobile
Name project

Splashdown pitching and demonstration

This is me pitching my idea to potential voters.

Tags: #Mobile
Name project

Testing out my app

What's a good pitch without a demo? Here's my friend being awe struck by thinking I'm a wiz when it's really Google's ARCore.

Tags: #Mobile
Name project

My Teammate

Well, it's always good to have a friend that believes in the idea and helping me even when holding down an internship during summer. Click on the link to see our very first pitch!

Other Projects

Name project

RTOS Bluetooth Car

A project under our Real-time Operating Systems module, my partner and I built this Bluetooth-controlled car that can be controlled with an app I wrote for Android. The vehicle features an Atmega328p micro-controller and it runs 4 main tasks:
1. Motors
2. Bluetooth Serial receiver
3. LED Controls
4. Music Controls

Tags: #ComputerEngineerLife
Name project

Vincent the robot

Building this definitely gave my team mates and I a ton of headaache. It was our first time integrating so many parts - Raspberry Pi, Arduino android and LiDAR sensor together to design a robot. This is the final product, and our challenge was to navigate a maze with purely the information received from the LiDAR. Well, that's why I love Computer Engineering <3.

Tags: #ComputerEngineerLife
Name project


My first experience with software engineering was not a good one. I was assigned a group where we consisted of mostly inexpeirence coders. In addition, I was doing additional modules, holding down an internship, as well as managing my newly founded start up. I was stretched too thin and ended up salvaging a ton of my team mates' code. I learnt that good coding practices are indeed important, and even though I was devastated when I got my grades back. I did learn a lot and managed better coding practices working on other projects. This is one of the few times I let myself down and I will definitely become better.

Tags: #SoftwareEngineerLife #OverloadedLife #DyingLife
Name project

IEEE-NUS Hackathon

My first hackathon! what you are seeing is a strongbox locked by a 4 digit pin, and can be unlocked via bluetooth using an app on your phone. WE dismantled this baby after the session :(

Tags: #Hackathon


Youthfulness is indeed the perfect excuse to explore and indulge in frivolous personal interests. I love getting fit, I hit the gym regularly, do archey, snowboard if I get the opportunity, and run when I'm stressed. In addition, I love to travel, preferably alone or with close friends or with my lovely sweetheart. I absolutely enjoy museums, and in fact they are one of the first places I visit when I travel.

Also, I've been teaching myself the piano for a while. I absolutely love jazz, particularly Misty.

Title post 22 December 2017


Falling down and getting back up again.

Tags: #snowboarding #travelling
Title post 23 December 2017

Snow gets in my eyes

But still gotta take that selfie

Tags: #asian
Title post 24 August 2016


This is a photo from back in the army. Running is indeed a pleasurable experience, except if it's from your problems.

Tags: #halfmarathon
Title post 8 April 2018


Archery has been my passion ever since I was unable to play intense upper limb sports after dislocating my shoulder from playing badminton. Being an archer for so long, I find this to be a sport where I compete against myself, as there is really no one to blame if your arrow falls short of the target, and it's really up to me to prove to myself that I could do it. Well, like life, there are times where I fell short but one thing is going to be consistent, that is I'll always be aiming straight and true.

Tags: #archery


E-mail yuan.z@u.nus.edu
Whatsapp +65 96430688
Telegram @inzaynity

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